Início Site Página 7



Como prometido, os capítulos em inglês até a página 241 foram upados. Para baixá-los,

No mesmo link você encontra os E-books de Twilight, New Moon e Eclipse traduzidos e o primeiro capítulo de  Midnight Sun. Também colocamos lá os textos  extras e cenas que foram cortadas dos livros anteriores. Há também um zip com a playlist de Twilight, pra quem se interessar.

Daqui a pouco “uparemos” a Parte IV dos scans, que vai da página 242 a 285, que não colocamos ainda pois faltam 2 páginas. As músicas da playlist de New Moon e Eclipse também estarão disponíveis logo mais.

Esperamos ter ajudado.



Daqui a pouco os capítulos traduzidos. 


Já tem algumas partes por ai, mais nenhuma está completa.

Resumo Das Informações


Coisas a se destacar do resumo:

– A lua de mel do Edward e da Bella vai ser numa ilha longe de tudo.
– A primeira vez deles vai acontecer e vai ser bem romântica.
– A Bella vai engravidar do Edward!

Coisas relevantes do Epílogo:

– Aparentemente, houve a luta com os Volturi e os lobisomens ajudaram e eles venceram.
– Bella se torna uma vampira, mas só depois q teve o bebê, obviamente.
– O bebê vai ser meio vampiro (não estou conseguindo imaginar como) e é uma garota, nomeada Nessi e aparentemente, muito fofa.
– O poder especial da Bella é tipo um escudo de amor (coisa meio Lilly Potter O.o)
– Diz q Jasper, Esme, Carlisle, Alice e Emmett tão bem, mas não menciona Rosalie. (O que significa que ela pode ter morrido)
– Parece q a Tanya perdeu uma irmã.- Revelação bombástica: Jacob tem uma IMPRINT com a FILHA DA BELLA!!!! Ele não se importa de ela ser meia-vampira!

– No finalzinho, deu a entender que o poder da Bella, de escudo,  interferiu entre ela e Edward, mas que agora tá tudo bem.

Texto feito pela Ize Chi.

Há também um spoiler que fala sobre o Edward querer que a Bella aborte. (?)

Suposto Epílogo


Outra do fórum mais absurdo do mundo. O “epílogo” + uma parte adicional.

“well, the epilogue is called “HAPPILY EVER AFTER”

and starts on page 742

ps i took notes for you guys over the phone tyvm

it appears that everyone is at the cullen house, with a bunch of foreign vampires like an amazonian tribe and an irish coven oh and the denalis, chattin bout how they BEAT UP THE VOLTURI! carlisle is talkin bout how he’s prepared to fight them again should they ever try, bc t

they went to far and blah blah blah… jacob is there, obviously still alive, and they talk about how the wolves were the biggest reason the volturi backed down

also, jacob brings up the fact that there are TRUE werewolves out there, with the full moon and everything, but idk wtf significance that was

in the epic battle i’m assuming was before, tanya lost a sister.

bella has obviously become a vampire BUT NOT BEFORE SHE GAVE BIRTH TO A CHILD… EDWARDS CHILD WHO IS HALF VAMPIRE AND NAMED NESSI AND APPARENTLY VERY CUTE. bella’s special power that really saved their asses was she has like a love shield (omg lily potter wut) and alice, jasper, esme, and carlisle and edward are all just fine.

emmett is too but there is no mention of rosalie.


oh, sue and charlie are now an item. idk idk i love that

bella drones on about how she and edward will be together forever and ever and ever in their cottage somewhere in the woods around the cullens house

bella reminisces about how edward married her under a haven of flowers or something while she tries to control her shield powers

edward and bella are makin out after puttin their kid to bed. my sister becomes srsly embarassed bc i made her read it out loud

and the last sentence is something like ‘and we have forever’.”

i was with edward. forever.

now that i’d… the last several weeks… but i had an… they’d made me appreciate what i had…

the cottage was a place of perfect peace…

we carried nessie to her bed/crib and gently tucked her in. she smiled as she slept.

i took alice’s gift from around my neck… lightly… the corner of her room. she could play with it as she wished, she liked sparkly things.

edward and i walked slowly to our room, swinging our hands between us.

“a night for celebration,” he murmured (ALWAYS WITH THE MURMURING, THIS HAS TO BE REAL), and he put his hand under my chin to lift my lips to his.

“wait,” i hesitated, pulling away.

he looked at me in confusion. as a general rule, i didn’t pull away. okay, it was more than a general rule. this was a first.

“i want to try something,” i informed him, smiling slightly at his bewildered expression.

i put my hands on both sides of his face and closed my eyes in concentration.

i hadn’t done very well with this when Zah…? had tried to teach me before, but i knew my shield [better now]. i understood the part that fought against separation [from] me, the automatic instinct to preserve self above all else.

Supostos Nomes De Capítulos


Esse vem do mesmo fórum, uma lista com supostos nomes dos 7 primeiros capítulos.


As Primeiras Notícias


Hoje, foi divulgado pelo site bellandedward a seguinte informação:
“Breaking Dawn vendido antes: Alerta de Spoiler
Nós tivemos a imagem, de alguém que possui o livro, para confirmar que uma loja do Texas vendeu Breaking Dawn antes. Aparentemente, eles venderam o estoque inteiro. Também, Bailey do His Golden Eyes disse que viu um spoiler de Breaking Dawn no fim do vídeo da Twilight Tursday da MTV no youtube. Esses spoilers são do epílogo do livro, o que é realmente o pior tipo de spoiler que podia ter vazado. Então, tomem cuidado extra enquanto navegava internet. Se não quiser ter a surpresa estragada, fique nos sites que você conhece, e que tiveram seus comentários desabilitados. Todos os sites grandes de Twilight continuam livres de spoilers até (pelo menos) dia 02 de agosto, que os faz um lugar seguro para os fãs que não gostam de ler as coisas antes. vai continuar sendo 100% à prova de spoilers, honrando os desejos da Stephenie. Lembrem-se do que ela nos disse: Breaking Dawn é para ser apreciado e um certo jeito, e eu odiaria que alguém tivesse essa experiência arruinada por ver algo que eles não queriam ver.”

Tudo muito suspeito até que mais um link com a notícia foi disponibilizado:

“Breaking Dawn Sold Early in Local Grocery Store I just thought this would be pretty interesting.
Today, one of my friends called me to tell someone about the Breaking Dawn book being sold today. I must admit, I am not a big fan nor have I read any of the books so I didn’t know about when it was supposed to be released. But then a whole bunch of MySpace bulletins started showing up and then I found out the book wasn’t supposed to be released until this Saturday.
H-E-B made a big oops in selling this books. So now, here in the town of Eagle Pass, Texas, H-E-B sold out of the book already and a few of my friends already have it and have began reading it.”

Desespero pros fãs? Talvez. A aflição tomou conta dos seguidores da saga, que a partir de então só se depararam com spoilers e mais nenhum pronunciamento. Outros sites como o hisgoldeneyes, tomaram nota também do ocorrido.



Até a Página 138, onde começa o Jacob Book.

O arquivo possui 40 mega pois as páginas estão como fotos.

Fotos Dos Livros Vendidos Antecipadamente.


Sim, sim. Para o delírio de quem pode por as mãos em uma cópia e o desespero de todos outros aki estão as tão ditas fotos:

(Comentário no livro: Carne Fresca é Show!)

(Sortuda Dona de um dos livros vendidos antecipadamente.)

Sim, o livro pareçe ter uma divisão dos pontos de vista da Bella e outrora do Jacob(ultimas duas fotos), nada confirmado até então.

“Stephenie Meyer. You have upset the fandom. ” ~~ “Stephanie, você decepcionou os fãs.” Palavras de um fã de Twilight, supondo que estes spoilers sejam verdadeiros.

Mais Fotos!


Mais uma vez, quero lembrar que QUALQUER informação postada aqui não é de nossa responsabilidade. Estamos apenas juntando o que encontramos pra facilitar as coisas. É importante lembrar que a autora do livro ainda não se pronunciou sobre o caso, e não saiu mais nenhuma nota nos sites mais confiáveis de fãs. Muita gente está enlouquecida atrás de ebooks ou scans do livro, mas também é legal ressaltar que quem quer que tenha o livro provavelmente deve está lendo agora. Cuidado com os fakes, com os torrents e links com vírus e com sites que cobram pelo suposto “E-book”. Todos nós sabemos que leva um certo tempo para digitalizar o livro. Minha sugestão é que aguardem mais um pouco, até sábado (data de lançamento oficial) uma cópia fiel de BD já deverá estar disponível por aí.

Gente, mais fotos saíram. Ninguém sabe a verdadeira originalidade dessas imagens, mas já que disponibilizaram, aqui vão elas:

Mais Spoilers


Esse vem do livejournal, mesmo assim não tem credibilidade.

“it was nearly after lunch time when rosalie glided past the bathroom in a shimmery silver gown with her golden hair puled up in a soft crown on top her head. she was so beautiful it made me want to cry. what was even the point in dressing up with rosalie around?”
p. 42 i believe

soooo for the wedding, bella is all insecure about everything and being the ugliest bitch in the house but she gets all excited when she hears edward is back from something – and both ida and i are assuming hunting?

there was a lot of skipping around in the book in this conversation, but she warned me that book II jacob is told from his point of view. there are chapters within his book but they’re not listed in the index? idk i’m still confused and my sister kept saying “shhh lemme read you this part” when i tried to ask her questions about chapters lulz

it does go back to book III – bella and is told from her point of view, right after the baby is born. chapters 19 – 39 are told in bella’s POV and the book is 754 pages (to which i said “omg wtf even jkrowling knew how to keep it shorter than that”)

ok more elaboration on the pregnancy- while she was talking on the phone to carlisle on the isle of esme, she knew she was pregnant. she even had a little baby bump and said something ot the effect of “carlisle, i can FEEL something moving inside me!” and he’s like “o it’s just gas” JK JK wouldnt that have been funny? evidently this vampire baby develops double time in her womb and the pregnancy isn’t long at all.

carlisle does NOT explain more about edward’s little swimmers as far as ida can tell, he just says “it’s possible” and edward starts flippin the fuck out. bella’s all “wuts wrong bb?” and he’s the sullen cullen and is says something like:

“don’t be afraid – carlisle will take care of this. we’re going to get this thing out of you before it can hurt you.”

OMG WUT EDWARD WANTS AN ABORTION??? carlisle and edward are afraid of what might happen inside bella – will the baby vamp feed of her insides? no one knows. while edward is packing the bags to leave the island, bella calls the cullen house and speaks to rosalie and she says:

“rosalie, you have to help me”


told from jacob’s point of view. its a few hundred pages long and deals with some drama with the werewolf pack esp. with sam but i had ida skip all that shit to get more about the pregnancy.

most of book II is dedicated to jacob trying to convince bella NOT to have the kid bc thats totally disgusting or something w/e. edward is more scared and confused than anyone and totes doesn’t want his new bride to be eaten alive from the inside by his own magical spawn. rosalie, however, wants her to have it. carlisle, like the good dr. cullen he is, won’t perform the magical abortion until bella is absolutely sure. i don’t know how much time passes while she’s pregnant but in smeyer’s world it doesn’t take very long for mutant bebes to develop.

while still in book two, jacob is chillin at the cullen house when bella starts shaking uncontrollably and barfin up blood (i asked my sister “lol whats the vampire reaction to THAT?” and she’s like “omg you’re so gross moving on”). rosalie and edward help bella up the stairs were she starts pushin out a bebe. she’s totes freaked out and says

“get it out! he can’t breathe!”

bc apparently bella thinks she’s having a boy, which we all know is not the case. jacob is still there through this whole thing.


o smeyer, you creative little minx. “nessie” is her nickname apparently. when my sister told me the name i was like “wait WTF did you just say to me? SPELL THAT OUT THIS IS GOLDEN!”


picks up right after she pushes out the bebe. she describes the horrible pain of childbirth for a while, blah blah blah, and then she switches to how clear suddenly everything was, how her and edward’s lives (lol irony) are completely blended to one now and starts explain bout wut the bebe looks like. how amazing it felt to be holding renesmee, the bebe’s “curly brown hair matted with blood” and how she looked “porcelain white and fair underneath the fluids” or something to that effect YUCK. her irises are a chocolate brown, like bella’s, and the weirdest thing of all?

“underneath her shell pink lips was a full set of glowing pearly white teeth”

LOLTASTIC. and then suddenly bella realizes how much pain she is in, clutching her newborn mutant to her chest, and she’s fighting off the crushing blackness, fighting to fall into total “obliteration” because she was always one to “endure, survive, never to hide from the enemy or pain” or something like that ya w/e bella you complain a lot. someone grabs her bebe from her as she’s slowly slipping away, trying to fight off the blackness for her bebe and for “jacob, who was always there for her everytime she needed him – could she do this to jacob? to fall when he needed her?” something like that. she moans on and on about the pain and trying not to DIE

at some point in all this mess, probably sometime back in book II idk my time frames might be a little off but jacob’s imprints, and ida assures me it’s “not too creepy.” lol it just says “his heart changed, and his insides seemed to melt inside. the entire world changed before his eyes…. he imprinted” or something like that

both my sister and i gathered that the delivery/labor was rough and she was dying from the childbirth, so – hopefully – edward bit her to keep her from dyin. at first we thought the bebe bit her and i was like “omg you have to be kidding me this shit is golden.” someone definitely bites her here, but it’s not clear on who it is: either edward or carlisle. then bella blabbers on about the fire in her veins, it blazed hotter, the “endless burn raged on” etc etc

edward gingerly asks “bella? can you hear me? bella, my love, squeeze my hand or open your eyes, anything”

but bella is afraid if she opens her eyes or speaks or moves she’s die or the pain will be worse so she just lays there, changin into a vampire unknowingly. carlisle says something like:

“maybe i’m too late…”

and edwards all NOOOO!!!

“bella, please love, squeeze my hand…”

and then carlisle says something like…

“listen to her heart! it’s stronger than emmett’s – i’ve never heard anything like it! the venom must have acted quickly, this was easier than esme’s. she’ll be perfect, edward.”

bella drones on and on about the pain, pausing ocassionally to piss and moan about her bebe girl RENESMEE and thinkin bout edward and jacob.

suddenly, the only thing bella realizes is the absence of pain. (p. 386)

and thus starts chapter 20 – new

so my little twatsicles, this is what i have for you today. unfortunately, carlisle doesn’t share the secret to edward’s sperm and ida has not yet found out about what happens to rosalie, but she is def there for the wedding and the birth. but she hasn’t read much about the big battle yet so the story line about hte volturi is really cloudy to the both of us. also…

apparently there’s another 1/2 human 1/2 vamp from the amazonian coven that helps fight. idk idgi it either. according to my sister who is comprehending all of this better than me (or so it seems), in 6 1/2 years RENESMEE will be a full blown human. like, bella’s age or w/e and then she’ll stop aging and the vampire side will kick in (god smeyer, your world is so fucking convenient isn’t it?). apparently they discover all of this information from cunning carlisle cullen and that 1/2n1/2 amazon mutant they meet or something.